The MiG-17 Fresco in Cuba
Ruben Urribarres

The MiG-17 was built like a development of the
and does its first flight in 1949.
Begins its production series in 1952,
finishing in 1958. In total are manufactured for the USSR 7,999 MiG-17 of several
modifications in 5 factories.
The license is delivered to Czechoslovakia, that
produces 457, Poland does 606 Lim-5/6 and China 1,828 Jian J-4/5, with what the
total of MiG-17 produced reaches the figure of 10,890 airplanes.
They are used in 30 countries, and fight in numerous conflicts as the arabic - israils
Wars of 1956, 1967 and 1973, Vietnam, Afganistan, Angola, Ethiopia-Somalia, Chinese
(Taiwan, Tibet), Biaffra, Yemen, Sudan, Mozambique, Sri-Lanka, Tanzania-Uganda,
and other.
The Fresco in Cuba
The first
arrive at Cuba at the beginning of 1964, destined to Santa Clara, and they substitute
MiG-15bis. Its main mission was to fight as fighter
- bombers. In spite of what some sources say, they not
were received of the version MiG-17F or MiG-17PF. The fighter - bombers MiG-17AS were
characterized for being capable of shooting air-air missiles,
Left: The MiG-17 in a exercise bombing an objective since 200 meters
of height. Maneuvers in the center of Cuba, 1974. The MiG-17 was the
standart FAR fighter bomber until the arrival of the MiG-23BN in 1978. Right:
one of the camouflage schemes (Andrés Huerta courtesy) |
In 1963 two F-8 Crusader of an VMF Squadron intercepted two
MiG-15 of the FAR, that bother the reccon mission of a Lockheed P-3 Orion,
boarding the Cuban water. The pilots of F-8 asked permission to confront the MiGs,
but the permission arrive only when each side already go home. One of the Marine
pilot, a Major, when arriving to the Key West Base, furious removed the helmet
and kick it. To end of 1964 the history is repeated, when two F-8 of the VF-62
ask permission to confront a pair of FAR's MiG-17 that bother a P-3 to complete
its mission. After various minutes of wait, the permission finally was denied
them. When they returning, they say that the next time they are going to shoot
and alone then to ask permission, that the ROE rules of the moment themselves
permit it. Both incidents went in international water, in accord to the
American version.
The fighter - bombers MiG-17 were in service
in Cuba until the beginnings of the 80's, when already were assimilated the MiG-23BN,
then being substituted totally in their Squadrons.
Desertion to USA
The most famous event
of the Cubans MiG-17 went the desertion of one of its pilots to United States.
This happened October 5, 1969, when the Lieutenant Eduardo Guerra Jimenez lands
in the Florida in the MiG-17AS N°232. Guerra Jimenez was one of the
Squadrons Leaders of the Santa Clara MiG-17AS

and he was testing that MiG-17 that was repaired, to leave then to the smaller
rank pilots. Guerra lands in the Homestead AFB, Florida, surprisely for
the Americans. In that moment in the base was found the personal
of the US President
Lindon Johnson, and that incident shows its vulnerability
to the Americans. This serious incident provokes debates in the Congress,
where the Republican Robert F. Sikes uses it as strong argument in favor of the
Radar Program AWACS. After this desertion, is produced a great purge in
the FAR, being expelled dozens of pilot friends of Guerra Jimenez or with relatives
abroad. The MiG-17 was returned to Cuba, and as says some sources, the transportation
airplane that come to return it with the team of specialists of the DAAFAR, "accidentally"
overflight various sensitive points as the Nuclear Plant of Turkey Point. The
Rafael del Pino
was the responsible for the mission of return the aircraft, and the pilot
Raul Perez James of flying it in return to Cuba.
The MiG-17AS of Eduardo Guerra.
DETAIL & SCALE photos, courtesy of Mario Overall and Mike Little |
The same MiG-17AS in flight. See the two fuel tanks and
the two aditionals points for missiles typical for the AS version |
The MiG-17AS in the Homestead AFB hangars, the flaps
are downed | The
MiG-17AS don´t have the after burning secction at the turbine, like in the
later MiG-17F | The
munition depot are open, is one of the first places that must be revised |
MiG-17 in foreign campaign. Angola

was decided in December 1975 to send Cubans regular aviation units to Angola,
Castro sends pilots for an Squadron with 9 MiG-17F and 1 MiG-15UTI, that were send to Angola by the USSR and that become the "first"
combat aircrafts of the Angolan Air Force (FAPA), composed only by Cubans, the
FAPA was "founded" in a ceremony by the Angolan president Agosthino Neto January
21, 1976. In the ceremony form the MiG-17 and
The MiG-17 Squadron Leader was the major Jose A. Montes. The MiG-17F begin to
fight against the separatist movement FLEC from Cabinda, at the north direction,
leaving to the MiG-21MF the south direction, until the victory in April of 1976.
In the following years they take part in attacks against the UNITA, until was
substituted by new MiG-21, and then the MiG-17 are delivered to the Angolans.
 |  |
One of the nine MiG-17F send to Angola en 1975.
The personal of the photo are angolan (Vasco Enrique, Air International) |
The Cubans fighters in Angola had the roundels of the
FAPA | Another MiG-17F scheme.
Picture of Chris Banyai-Riepl |

December of 1977 begin to arrive FAR units to this country, among them pilots for an MiG-17F
Squadron and one of
MiG-21, that participate in
support air missions in the counter-ofensive that begun January 22, 1978, and
that finishes with
the rout of Somalia and the total
liberation of the Ogaden in March 13. The Cuban aviation made 1,013 combat missions,
the half of them with MiG-17F, that destroy innumerable tanks, gun, and other
enemies objective. The MiG-17F pilot Lieutenant Eladio Campos dies when he was
shoot down by the Somali AAA. As interesting fact, in this conflict the
Cuban MiG-17/21 Cuban together the Ethiopian F-5A/B/E against a country with MiG-17/21
too. Although encounters in the air do not occur between Cuban and Somali
MiGs, therefore the Ethiopian already conquered the air superiority before the
Cubans arrived. The Cubans MiGs remain in Ethiopia, but they not fight more in
this country, in spite of the Ethiopian conflict with Eritrea, and in spite of
Western non base rumors. In September of 1989, with the new international changes,
the last Cubans leave Ethiopia, being carried some equipment. See
war in detail.
Others countries
In South Yemen
the Cubans pilots fight in the MiG-17 of this country since 1973, in borders collisions
with North Yemen and Saudi Arabia. In Guinea Bissau during the 70's a group
of Cubans pilots fly too the MiG-17, forming and creating the local Air Force,
and participating in missions against air space and naval violations.
Cubans pilots assessed their colleagues of Vietnam. They helped to resolve
the dilemma MiG-17/MiG-21 at the end of the 60's.
In 1971 the Vietnamese high command chooses 10 pilots of the 923° regiment,
for to be prepared in attacks to American ships. Its preparation was in charge
of the Cuban advisor "Ernesto". This famous operation is made on April 18,
1972, when Li Xuan Di and Nguyen Van Bay in two MiG-17F with two 250kg bombs,
attack the Oklahoma City cruiser and the DD-806 Higbee
destroyer of the 7° Fleet, causing them diverse damages.
Characteristics of the MiG-17AS and MiG-17F
The Cuban pilots flown in Cuba and in others countries two versions of the fighter-bomber MiG-17:
Fresco A - Practically are the basic MiG-17, but with two complementary external
points under the wings for air-ground rockets S-21 and air-air missiles K-3 (AA-2
Atoll). |  |
Fresco C - First flight in September of 1951, the production beginning was
in 1952. Engine Klimov VK-1F with afterburning section, thrust dry 2,600 kg, and
3,380 kg with a-f |  |
MiG-17AS (MiG-17F)
(1951) Lenght, m..........................................11,26 (11,26)
Wingspan, m........................................9,60 (9,63)
Height, m.............................................3,80 (3,80)
Wing area, m2...................................22,60 (22,60) Weights
Empty weight, kg..............................3,798 (3,950) Normal
take off weight, kg................5,340 (5,354) Maximum take off weight,
kg............5,929 (6,069) Fuel, kg............................................1,173
(1,170) Performances Máximum Speed, km/h......................1,070
(1,154) Maximum Speed at sea level, km/h....1,060 Range, km.........................................1,165
(1,160) Range with adicionals tanks, km.........1,907 (2,020) | Ceiling
, m..........................14,700 (16,470) Climb, m/s ................................75
(65 without AB) G.........................................................8
(8) Engine................Klimov VK-1A (Klimov VK-1F) Dry
thrust, kg..................................2,700 (2,600) Thrust with (3,380) Armament 37mm ND-37D with 40 rounds and two
23mm guns N-23 with 80 rounds each (MiG-17F the same) Combat Load
Two 50,100 or 250 kg bombs, until 500 kg in total, four 190mm rockets TRS190
or 212mm ARS212 or two rockets blocs. Two air-air missiles R-3S (AA-2 Atoll) |
Enrique Carreras
in a MiG-17AS come back home after an fire exercise, Cienfuegos 1971 (Enrique
Carreras, Por el dominio del aire) |
Rafael del Pino
flying in a MiG-17AS. See the air-air missiles K-3 (AA-2 Atoll) in the external
points, a characteristic of the "AS" version (Rafael del Pino, Proa a la Libertad) |
The MiG-17AS of the DAAFAR Museum has this scheme in the 80´s. Courtesy
of Andres Huerta |
The MiG-17AS N°212 are today in a park, for the pleasure of the childrens.
In Cuba many write off fighters of different versions, are parks or military schools
(Rubén) |
Colors of the MiG-17 by the firm Albatros |
See also:
Cuban MiG-15
Cuban MiG-17
Cuban MiG-19
Cuban MiG-21
Cuban MiG-21 in action
Operación Pico: Cuban MiG-21 over Dominican Republic
Cuban MiG-17 and MiG-21 in the Ogaden War (Ethiopia)
Cuban MiG-23
Cuban MiG-23 in action (air-to-ground missions in Angola)
Cuban MiG-23 in action (air-to-air missions in Angola)
Cuban MiG-29
External Links:
Cuban Air Force MiG-29 Fulcrum
Cuban MiGs
Cuban Military Forum
The MiG-29 Fighter
Cuban MiG-23 over Venezuela
Cuba in Africa, The Angola War
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