| Rogelio
Acevedo Gonzáles | General.
President of the Cuban Civil Aviation Institute (IACC) |
 | Enrique
Carreras Rolas | Division
General, Bay of Pigs veteran, one of the FAR leaders |
 | Julio
Casas Regueiro | Division
General, DAAFAR´s Chief in 1980-1987 and 1999-2000 |
 | Jaime
Gonzáles Grocier | Captain,
Pioneer of Cuban Aviacion |
 | Rubén
Martínez Puente | Brigade
General, DAAFAR's Chief in 1987-1999 |
 | Pedro
J. Mendiondo Gómez | Brigade
General, DAAFAR's Chief from 2000 |
 | Antonio
Menéndez Peláez | Captain,
organizator of the flights Camaguey-Sevilla and Faro de Colón |
 | Agustín
Parlá Orduña | Captain,
Pioneer of Cuban Aviation and the first Cuban Pilot |
 | Rafael
del Pino Diaz | Brigade
General, veteran of Bay of Pigs and Angola, in 1987 flee to USA |
 | Alvaro
Prendes Quintana | Colonel,
Bay of Pigs veteran, one of the FAR´s founders |
 | Domingo
Rosillo del Toro | Cuban
Aviation Pioneer |
 | Juan
Luis Silva Tablada | Pilot
of the Rebeld Air Force and Bay of Pigs |
 | Arnaldo
Tamayo Méndez | Brigade
General, first Cuban and Latin American Astronaut |
 | Mario
Torres Menier | Captain,
Air Corp´s Chief in 1925-1933 |